Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Voice Threads

This is some pretty cool stuff. Although I'm a PE guy, I appreciate the work of MC Escher. Maybe it's because I can spend hours trying to get to the end of his often endless pieces of work.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Blooms Digital Taxonomy

As I read through Blooms Digital Taxonomy, there were several things that stood out to me as significant. Many of the things suggested are excellent, when in a teaching environment that has the use of computers as a major component of the curriculum. But what about Physical Education? With the alarming increase of obesity and the current trend of scaling back on the physical aspect of education, where does the digital taxonomy fit in? I'm wide open to ideas, if anyone has any to offer up.

On a second note, the revised Blooms Taxonomy, in which Creation is the highest level of thinking skills, is one to which I often adhere.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I had an opportunity to use Skype to communicate with missionaries in Ireland and in Togo, West Africa. To make the experience even more meaningful, we were able to broadcast the session to the church. The technology that makes this possible is amazing. To speak with someone overseas is fantastic, but to see them and their family is even more incredible. We did have some difficulty with the connection to Ireland, but not so much that it took away from the experience. There was also a considerable delay in the feed. Again, not so much that it lessened the experience, but a distraction nonetheless.